The National Innovation and Invention Competition (NIICe) is a national level research innovation competition organized bi-annually by the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). The first NIICe or NIICe2019 was organized on the 14th November 2019 and has successfully attracted a total of 247 entries from schools and institutions of higher learning nationwide. The second edition of NIICe (NIICe2022) was held online on 22nd August 2022. There were 530 groups of participants joined in this innovation competition. From the successful organization of the previous NIICe competition which was conducted at the national level and the encouraging response in terms of participation and participant feedback, UTHM will continue the event bi-annually and expand the participation to the international level. We named it as International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIICe) which will be carried out on 5th August 2024 at Dewan Sultan Ibrahim, UTHM.
The objectives of organizing IIICe2024 are to:
Encourage innovation activities among primary, secondary, polytechnic, community college, matriculation college, university students, staff academics and professional groups.
Produce creative, competitive, and innovative students.
Build a network of relationships among innovators from within and outside UTHM.
Promote UTHM as a centre for the development of innovation at national and international levels.
“Renaissance of innovation: Pioneering sustainable frontier”
The subthemes include:
Agriculture, Environmental and Renewable Energy
Automotive, Transportation and Industrial Design
Biotechnology, Health, and Chemicals
Building, Construction and Materials
ICT, Multimedia and Telecommunications, Electrical and Electronics